Raven Hoi-Yee Lee

As a highly sensitive person, I have always been able to feel very deeply. I am on a constant journey of learning how to harness this superpower and honor my own vulnerability.

Growing up in a multicultural and multiracial family has taught me how to embody a world of differences and find home and belonging within myself. It isn’t always easy and I am very familiar with that feeling and belief that “I am not enough”.

Growing up with my brother, my favorite human, who is deaf, I learned that empathy knows no bounds. I also learned the complexities of being human and that it can be really hard sometimes.

feel it to heal it

My true healing journey didn’t really begin until my early 20s. After another heartbreak, my heart finally broke open. When that happened, I turned towards meditation, spirituality, and the wisdom of plant medicine to find healing. Along my journey I discovered my own wounds, racial trauma, mental fragility, emotional sensitivity, and, ultimately, I realized that I did not love my self and I did not know how to.

from pain to power & from hurt to healing

In order for me to re-learn how to love myself, I had to first realize and acknowledge that I didn’t. Then, with that awareness, I sought help. With the help and support of others, I have experienced healing through psychotherapy, somatic work, inner-child work, coaching, reiki, yoga, meditation, psychedelics/plant medicine, relationships, acupuncture, massage, dance, rock climbing, ayurveda, ancestral healing, mindfulness, tapping, nature, prayer, spirituality, talks, seminars, workshops, courses, books… you name it! I have invested a lot in myself and, to do so, I had to believe that I was worth it, that I am worth it.

While healing is a forever journey, it’s not one that you have to walk alone.

I hope that my extensive list shows you that healing can come in so many different forms. Some ways may work better for you than others. All of our journeys will look different because we are all unique individuals. What binds us together is the fact that we are all human and we know what that can be like.

yoga, meditation, & reiki

Along my healing journey, I was introduced to these practices that have changed my life for the better. I have had to learn that my practices are not ever going to be perfect, and that’s okay.

It is really important to me that I truly embody what I have learned (and teach). I believe that I will always be a student first, no matter what.

thank you to all of my teachers

my ancestors, my parents, my grandparents, my brother, my family, my friends, my partner

my professors, my teachers, my therapists, my coaches, my gurus, my clients

the plants, the earth, the ancient practices

I could not have done this without all of your wisdom, support, love, and guidance. I am forever humbled and eternally grateful for all of your help.