
An unintimidating yoga class for all people of all levels - no prior experience needed! All are welcome. My classes focus on deepening the mind-body-spirit-heart-breath connection. I like to include themes, poems, and stories that are interwoven with gentle asana, pranayama (breathwork), mindfulness, and self-reflection. My hope is for everyone to feel embodied in this ancient practice that we are sharing together.

tuesdays 7:15pm | saturdays 9:45am

mindful alchemy

An integrative and holistic approach to healing through the use of evidenced-based techniques that focus on regulating the nervous system and deepening the connection between mind-body-spirit/soul/Self.

Practicing mindful alchemy will help to bridge the subconscious/unconscious mind with the conscious mind so that we become more self-aware while also regulating our nervous system so we feel more grounded.

These tools and techniques will be taught, explained, and shared in this class so that people feel educated, informed, and empowered to practice them on their own. The body has its own innate capacity to heal and through these practices, we tap into our own capacity for healing and we deepen our connection with our mind, body, and spirit/soul/Self, stepping into our wholeness.

first Wednesday & third Monday of each month